Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Three Dimensions of Science Learning

Three Dimensions of Science Learning (link)

I know change is tough! It is. We also love our tried and true methods.

There is a shift in thinking about how to teach Science.  Have you gotten familiar with the Three Dimensions of Science Learning? If not, check out the link above.👆🏼 It takes you to the NGSS webpage that explains this beautifully,

You can also watch this short video that shows the Three Dimensions of Science in action:

Heather Johnston puts the Three Dimensional Learning in a nutshell easily:
  1. Science and Engineering Practices- What students do.
  2. Crosscutting Concepts- How students think and can be used to guide/direct student thinking.
  3. Disciplinary Core Ideas- What students are learning/discovering through their investigations.